Saturday, September 25, 2010

CANDIDATES STATEMENTS for CEPS/LEAD Education Community's Candidates Forum -- Monday September 27

CEPS (Community for Excellent Public Schools)
LEAD (Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability, Direction for Santa Monica-Malibu Public Schools)


The Education Community’s Candidates Forum

Monday, September 27th
Santa Monica Main Library • Multi-purpose Room
601 Santa Monica Blvd.

6:00 pm - Santa Monica-Malibu School Board Candidates
7:30 pm - Santa Monica City Council Candidates

Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) is dedicated to the preservation and betterment of public schools in the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District. In order to achieve this goal, we resolve:
·       To promote a shared community vision for excellence in our public schools that includes early childhood and post-secondary education;
·       To evaluate and pursue a range of short and long term funding measures through state, city and school district policies and elections;
·       To identify and support issues that will support education and public schools, including early childhood education, after-school programs, and post-secondary public education;
·       To increase public awareness of the value and uniqueness of our public schools;
·       To promote accountability for high quality public education by public institutions and public officials.

LEAD (Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability, Direction for Santa Monica-Malibu Public Schools) is a grassroots association whose members share a commitment to outstanding public schools and a growing concern that our School District needs more effective leadership.  We need leaders who honestly acknowledge our District’s problems and tackle them head-on before they reach the crisis stage.  We need School District leaders who lead rather than oppose efforts to implement needed reforms.  We need School District leaders who foster open community discussion of issues facing the District and maximize the many capable volunteers and parents in our community.  LEAD will hold District leaders accountable and contribute to a new policy environment that facilitates healthy, open discussion about how best to achieve the widely shared goal of educational excellence for all our students.

In alphabetical order



Age: 37 • Occupation: High School Teacher
E-mail address:    Website:

I am a graduate of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District. Every success I’ve had in life began with the education I received here. My many gifted teachers inspired me to become a teacher myself.

I want to make sure the SMMUSD continues providing that great education. But this year’s cuts of 58 teachers, reading specialists, librarians, music instruction, and the rest have started a decline. Our community can reverse this by electing new board members who will place the students’ needs first.

As one of those leaders, I will

  • Make budget cuts away from the classroom. I have found many administrative areas where our district spends much more than comparable districts do.
    1. Why did we spend $812,000 on Centralized Data Processing vs. $86,000 in Las Virgenes when we cut 58 teachers and staff?
    2. Why did the General Administration increase their budget 4.5% this year while cutting 58 teachers and staff?
  • Implement some of the revenue-generating ideas that have been talked about for years.
    1. Hire a Director of Development
    2. Increase public-private and public-public partnerships
    3. Increase the rentals and land-use arrangements between the schools and other groups
  • Listen and answer to parents and the community.
    1. I will meet with community groups twice a month, on their turf, to maintain an open dialogue.
    2. I have met with teachers regularly. Several teacher’s have complained to be the Board members never ask for suggestions or opinions

My background for the job:

  • High-school history and government teacher for the past 10 years
  • Middle-school teacher for Peace Corps in Romania.
  • Special education aide, grades K-8
  • SMMUSD student for 10 years

As a school board member, I bring the combined perspective of community member, parent, and teacher/coach. As a parent and  community member,  I have high expectations for the schools. As a teacher and coach of 35 years, I understand the dynamics of how students can achieve those expectations. I believe that our schools must provide a comprehensive and challenging curriculum where students can learn in a safe environment and are supported by a partnership of caring and demanding teachers, committed administrators, capable staff, and loving parents.

Realizing that the role of the central office is to provide adequate resources, I intend to maintain fiscal integrity and equitable allocation of resources. Fully understanding the role of board member as one who sets policy, I am committed to ensuring a culture of inclusiveness where everyone is a part of a caring, supportive, and family-friendly community.


I am a 30-year Santa Monica resident, a parent and a public education activist.  I have volunteered in our elementary, middle, and high schools for over a decade.  Before having children, I worked for 13 years as an attorney for the City addressing policy issues ranging from affordable housing to childcare. 

I have been deeply involved with school funding campaigns and with academic, music and athletic programs.   In recent years, I co-chaired the Samohi Coalition, which convinced the City to commit $57 million to joint City/School District project.  I chaired the Fundraising Committee for Measure A.  I am a founding member and until recently, the co-chair of LEAD, which formed to ensure greater accountability, transparency and inclusiveness in District decision-making.                  

The biggest challenge to our schools is financial -- the direct result of a loss of $20 million in State funding in two years.  My priorities will include:

1.     Enhancing local revenues and private funding, while pressuring the State and federal governments to increase education funding.
2.     Nurturing existing and cultivating new partnerships with Santa Monica and Malibu, Santa Monica College, and community non-profits.
3.     Providing collaborative, open, inclusive and accountable leadership. This includes hiring our next Superintendent.
4.     Supporting curriculum and teacher preparation to prepare our children for the future.
5.     Encouraging the development of innovative programming and instruction that closes the achievement gap; ensuring that equity considerations guide decision-making.
6.     Promoting recruitment and retention of high quality teachers and staff.
7.     Building bridges between Malibu and Santa Monica schools and being responsive to Malibu families.
8.     Making quality preschool and after-school care available.
9.     Promoting high-quality facilities to support District programs.
10.  Continuing special education services and practice reforms.

My key endorsements are:
Sheila Kuehl 
Julia Brownley
Santa Monica-Malibu Classroom Teachers Association
SEIU Local 99 School Employees
Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights
L.A. County Democratic Party
Santa Monica Democratic Club
National Women’s Political Caucus – Los Angeles Westside

RALPH MECHUR (Incumbent)
I have been a resident of the community, active in its civic life for over 30 years  - supporting Education through managing parcel tax and capital bond campaigns, collaborating on a community-wide effort resulting in the City of Santa Monica financially supporting the District, and in developing the capacity of the Education Foundation to support academic and arts programs.
I believe every student should be given equal access to the best public education.   Our community has the capacity to provide every student with an excellent education providing them the skills to become productive contributing adults.
If re-elected my priorities will be to:

1. Hire a highly qualified Superintendent with previous experience in a District of at least similar size with a diverse student population; strong success in evaluating, recommending and implementing programs that addressing the issues of poorly performing students; and excellent administrative and communication skills.
2. Support innovative programs that raise achievement levels of all students, particularly those who are not grade-level proficient.  The District needs to effectively align resources with need and promote quality professional instruction. Targeted intervention, particularly in the early grades, is crucial to breaking the cycle of low achievement for several student groups.
3. Develop a long-term strategy to stabilize revenue. The best way to create a sustainable budget is to provide a constant source of new revenue. I fully support Propositions Y and YY because they will provide such a source.  The community also needs to address ways to leverage community-wide assets for district-wide needs.
As a Boardmember, I serve for all of our students. I am accessible and will meet with parents, residents and city officials to discuss key issues.  We need to bring these issues to the table in a timely fashion to share information and make informed decisions.

When I was 3 years old, my parents, living in a small town in India, dreamed of giving me and my sisters a better life than they had.  They decide to leave their home and all that was familiar to travel half way around the world to America and build a new life.  My parents were willing to do all of this so that they could provide their children with the best education possible.  In India, the caste system determines your destiny, in America it is your education.  Now that I am a parent, it is my turn to give back to my children and my community.  My involvement includes:
·       District’s Financial Oversight Committee
·       Santa Monica College Bond Oversight Committee
·       School Site Governance Council
·       Parcel Tax Feasibility Committee/Measure A Campaign/SOS volunteer
Our public schools are facing the worst financial crisis in their history.  I have degrees in accounting, business and law, and I will use my skills to proactively tackle the challenges that lie ahead. Importantly, I am a father with two young children in our schools; a constant reminder of why great schools and great teachers are critical to our future.  As School Board Member, I will: 
·       Strengthen our District’s finances and ensure fiscal responsibility
·       Implement revenue enhancements to keep class sizes small
·       Support programs and curricula to raise achievement and narrow the achievement gap

We are living in unprecedented times, and the new challenges require new skill sets and new leaders with different ways of approaching the problem.  I have the skill sets, ideas and the passion to help our District through this financial crisis.  I want to give the next generation of children access to an excellent education so they too can write their own destiny.



A Leader with a Purpose

As the first person in my family to graduate from high school and enter a four-year university, I know the doors of opportunity open with access to excellent public schools. I am running for re-election to the Santa Monica Malibu USD Board of Education to ensure that future generations have the same opportunities.

A father of two children, I am committed to strengthening our schools by:
  • Ensuring resources are invested in the classroom versus administrative overhead.
·       Alleviating the tax burden on residents by seeking creative funding options.
·       Supporting Music and the Arts as part of the core curriculum.
  • Continuing the progress in closing the academic achievement gap.
  • Creating a P-20 Education Coalition to build partnerships for the benefit of students.

A Personal Commitment to Serving our Students

While serving as student body president at Santa Monica High in 1990 I decided to commit my life to public service.  I completed my MA. Degree in 1998 and returned to work as a counselor at Samohi. In 2002 I founded a youth center that has served hundreds of students and has most recently led community organizing to achieve a City-wide plan for violence prevention.

Experienced Leadership You Can Count On

I am a public school advocate with eight years of proven leadership on the school board. I served as President of the board in 2007-08 and have fought tirelessly to ensure accountability and transparency are values that guide the school district’s decision-making. On the school board I led efforts to bring needed reforms to special education, ensured Olympic High was accredited, implemented district-wide recycling policies and supported partnerships between SMC and the school district to expand college readiness support for students. During challenging times, our students deserve experienced leadership on the School

District-wide budget cuts threatened to deprive our schools of outstanding educators and programs.  I realized that I had to run for school board when my daughter’s first grade teacher was handed a pink slip.  Loss of fine teachers is unacceptable.  We need better budget allocation, improved implementation and long-term planning.  I’m running for Santa Monica-Malibu School Board to help make choices that keep quality educators and programs despite economic difficulties, improving our position as one of the best districts in the country.
I am public school educated from kindergarten through high school, where I participated in Academic Decathlon and served as Student Body President. Having taught and coached in the U.S. and overseas, I have practical experience a school board member needs.  Elected Nagasaki City Representative for foreign teachers, I studied and assessed the merits and limitations of Japanese public education, gaining a comparative global perspective.  Back in California, I was awarded the CORO Fellowship in Public Affairs, a leadership-training program in government, non-profits, business, labor and media.  I worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers and the California Community Foundation on textbook adoptions, allocation of school funds and technology.  I served on a private board, allocating money to public schools.  As an international journalist and television producer committed to education, I serve on Santa Monica College’s Journalism Advisory Board and the Claremont McKenna Media Advisory Board.
My teaching and work in business and international journalism give me a global perspective on improving our schools that other candidates don’t have.  I have spent a career working with budgets, trouble-shooting and executing ideas.  I am a strong negotiator who seeks out other opinions, a communicator who listens.  Please contact me, share your thoughts and vote for me.  Thank you.

In alphabetical order

GLEAM DAVIS – Incumbent, Two-year Seat

On the City Council, I am a strong voice for lifelong learning and our schools.  In my brief time on the Council, I have championed these initiatives:
·       The multi-year renewal of the Facilities Use Agreement that brings over $7 million to our public schools,
·       Construction of an Early Childhood Education Center at the Civic Center;
·       The use of City Redevelopment Agency funds to build athletic and recreational facilities on the Santa Monica High School campus that can be used by students and the public;
·       A City loan to allow summer funding of full-day preschool for the children of working families when the State precipitously cut off their funding, and
·       Measure YY which allows voters in November to advise the City Council whether half of the proceeds of the Transaction and Use Tax (if Measure Y passes) should be spent on educational programs. 
Prior to joining the City Council, I was a member of the Steering Committee of the Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) and I helped found LEAD (Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability, Direction for Santa Monica-Malibu Public Schools).  I have served the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District as Chair of the Facilities Bond Advisory Committee and Chair of the District Advisory Committee on Child Development.  I also was the Co-chair of the Santa Monica Child Care and Early Education Task Force and sat on various Site Governance and PTA Committees. 
Santa Monica is rightfully proud of its excellent public schools.  Strong schools and lifelong learning are essential components of a safe and livable community.  As a City Council member, I am committed to working with the community to look for creative and meaningful ways to bring additional resources to education and improve educational opportunity for everyone. 

David Ganezer – Two-year Seat
I have lived in Santa Monica for 28 years. My children attend Santa Monica public schools and I am a product of a public school system. The availability of an excellent public school district is essential if one wants an excellent community. I am proud that we have a school district that succeeds at a high level, but our school district needs help. Since the state is unable to provide as much support as it could in the past, the responsibility is now with the local activists and the City government.
As publisher of the Santa Monica Observer Newspaper, I hear from readers. The thing I hear most frequently is they want a City government that does not waste money and a great school district that provides for the children and keeps property values high. These two demands are connected. The City needs to stop being wasteful. This will take the City out of deficit spending, and make more money available that can go to the school district.
As a City Council member, I will be somebody the education community can depend on for unwavering support. I want to increase the amount of funding the City provides the schools. I was pleased our local activists worked hard to raise more than $1.5 million during the Save Our Schools campaign, but that shouldn’t have been necessary. Our City has lots of money that is going to places where it should not. We need to use that money to support our children.
CEPS was created because the City was severely under-supporting the schools. I was proud that CEPS was able to force a change to that. I look forward to being a part of a council that takes the next step. I would be honored to have your support.
David Ganezer for Santa Monica City Council
SUSAN HARTLEY – Two-year Seat

I’m seeking a Council seat to return control of Santa Monica to residents.

The Santa Monica we know and love is being bulldozed to death.  Developments are of unacceptable number, height and density.  We need more limits on growth. 

Santa Monica Airport threatens us all daily with air pollution, noise pollution and crash risks.  The FAA’s expansion of flight paths endangers wider areas and more families.  The Airport must be closed.

Tenant protections must be preserved and expanded to protect long time residents and socioeconomic diversity.  Vote for the Eviction Protection Ordinance. 

Santa Monica needs to walk like it talks environmentally.  The disgrace of our polluted beaches must end. 

I’m a lifelong advocate for individual rights (attorney, independent community leader, teacher, activist).  

My qualifications:
     15 year resident (north and south SM) – renter and homeowner
     Airport Commission, former Vice-Chair
     Friends of Sunset Park Board Member
     Treesavers Co-founder
     Arlington West/Veterans for Peace-LA Board Member
     Employee/Tenant Attorney - 30 years
     Teacher - 5 years
     Girl Scout leader - 12 years
            PTSA officer
                 Strategic Plan Design Team member
     Daughter is SMMUSD, UC Berkeley and their music programs’ alum.
     Organic gardener, animal owner/rescuer, walker, bike rider, writer

Please vote for me on November 2nd.           

BOB HOLBROOK – Incumbent, Four-year Seat

Occupation: Santa Monica Councilmember, Pharmacist

I was born in Santa Monica, attended Santa Monica schools, raised my family, and served as a community pharmacist here.

Maybe that’s why as a councilmember, my decisions are always driven by residents’ priorities and concerns:

   The strongest police and fire/paramedic departments. People     must be safe.

   Excellent public schools. They benefit not just students, but the whole community. As a former school board member, I understand the City must help its schools. Santa Monica-Malibu Schools have been severely affected by the financial woes of the State of California. We have reached a point that the City must increase it’s support of the our public schools or watch the deterioration of our most valuable asset. I will support our schools.

   A homeless policy that moves people into housing and does NOT enable them to live on our streets.  I will continue to build programs that provide housing first and return people to their hometowns.

   Clean beaches and ocean. We must continue working aggressively to reduce bacteria and toxic chemicals flowing into Santa Monica Bay.

   Santa Monica Airport. The FAA agreement expires in 2015. I will work with the community to plan future resident-friendly airport uses.

   Light rail. I support a thorough public process to insure the safest and best possible service for Santa Monica.

I will continue protecting Santa Monica’s natural beauty and ambience. We must preserve what we love about Santa Monica.

I bring commitment, experience, and profound respect for residents to the council. I am eager to continue working for you.


Dear Friends:

            Two years ago you elected me the first independent member of our Rent Board...I have brought desperately needed new ideas and solutions to our city government.  Now I'm asking you to lend us a hand again and elect me to city council. 
I'm running to reduce taxes, re-direct 20 million dollars to our schools, and build our police and fire departments. 

Here is where the 20 million come from…
1)    I will stop the lending of between 7 million and 12 million dollars a year to the Santa  Monica Community Corp. 
2)    The city spends more then 2million dollars yearly on "consultants". We have city staff that is perfectly qualified to do this work.
3)    For the last 32 years the SMRR city council has duplicated many County and State social and housing programs,  costing the tax payer over  10 million dollars a year.

I believe the homeless population is a threat to our public safety and must be dramatically reduced. This is a state and federal issue and not a municipal one.
I will move to re-instate the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)  a public work relief program started by FDR in1933 for unemployed men and women. When elected I will move to normalize our city and match the level of financial and staff resources that our neighbor cities have committed to.

We can not tax our way out of  financial mismanagement!
I pledge to work hard for your family, your city and the future of our children. .
My family and I own a successful real estate brokerage and property management firm. I'm an active member in the Board of Realtors, where I currently Chair the Education Committee as well as serving on Public Policy Committee and the Centennial Club.  We have serious problems and we need serious people to solve them!

 Kronovet for City Council 2010
3019 Pico Blvd # 4 Santa Monica, CA 90405 (310) 829-9303
Kronovet for City Council 2010   -   ID #1322590

TERENCE LATER – Four-year Seat

I was born in Santa Monica and have lived here all my life.  I have attended Will Rogers, John Adams, Lincoln, Olympic, Samohi, SMC and UCLA.  I have lived in several neighborhoods in Santa Monica, from Ocean Park to north of Montana.  I am a renter and small business owner.  I love our school district, our parks, our beaches and every community that makes up our wonderful city.  I am looking forward to guiding our fine city towards a great future.

As your Councilman I will:
§  Be accountable in representing the 89,000+ citizens of Santa Monica.  Making sure City Hall deals honestly with residents by connecting fees to actual costs of services.  City staff are public servants, not “back door” tax collectors.
§  Continue to demand transparency and government accountability.  I worked tirelessly with Ralph Nader’s team to defeat Prop W in 2006, which would have gutted the anti-corruption rules passed decisively by 59% of Santa Monica voters in 2000.
§  Support responsible limited growth and development in Santa Monica.  I worked with Bobby Shriver, Ted Winterer and Kevin McKeown on Prop T in 2008 to limit development6.  Limit traffic and produce sensible parking alternatives for residents as I did 2006, pressing for new parking meter technology that is in place today.  Make the fines and the appeals process for parking tickets more equitable.
§  Maintain Rent Control as it stands today.  No new taxes.  Put senior exemptions and sunset clauses into any future bond initiatives.  I fought for this language to be placed in Prop V in 2006 and will continue to pursue it.
§  We as residents are tired of the city council redlining the budget and exploiting the senior citizens and renters for political ambition.
§  Set aside a portion of our shoreline for a dog beach.
§  Work to allocate our city resources to strengthen our Police and Fire departments.  Expand and maintain our parks.
§  Protect our city’s environment and keep our beaches clean.
And the most important priority: Supporting and improving our schools.  Our city’s annual budget is in excess of $600 million dollars.  I agree with Mayor Bobby Shriver that the added sales tax initiative is not necessary.  What is necessary is a balanced city budget.  Shame on our City Council for obliging elementary school students to stand in front of our grocery stores and on street corners selling lemonade and candy to fund their arts programs.

Kevin McKeownIncumbent, Four-year Seat           
Santa Monica Councilmember and SMMUSD
Educational technology consultant

I will continue to bring a unique pro-public school perspective to our Santa Monica City Council.

All Councilmembers have day jobs, and mine is working with our teachers, students, and administrators as the Macintosh computer consultant for the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.  I have also been a Samohi parent.  While in a previous relationship, I helped raise a young woman, Samohi ’02, who is now a special education teacher at Young Learners Preschool in Culver City.

I went to public high school myself, where a counselor helped guide me, a struggling boy from a single-parent household, into a full scholarship to Yale.  I know first-hand the difference a caring staff in a well-supported public school can make in a young person’s life.

Throughout my twelve years on the City Council I have been a consistent supporter of our school programs, personally seeking and securing City funding for student activities and travel.  Does it make a difference?  One Samohi student I helped send to the World Social Forum is now the youngest lawmaker in the Vermont legislature.

I have helped foster the community awareness and willingness that lets the City of Santa Monica direct millions of dollars in direct funding to SMMUSD every year, although state law precludes me from taking part in the final vote because of my professional involvement with the District.  I have also championed over twenty-two million dollars of city youth programs that benefit our students, and developed increased funding for pre-school and earlier education programs.

With gratitude toward all the community members who contribute
ideas and effort for making Santa Monica a better city, I’m running for
re-election on my record of responsiveness to residents.  You’ve supported and inspired me to continue protecting our neighborhoods, and our quality of life — a primary part of which is the excellence of our public schools.

PAM O’CONNOR – Incumbent, Four-year Seat

I love being part of Santa Monica--we’re a community of people from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life…we’re energetic, opinionated, optimistic.  And I want to make Santa Monica an ever better place.

I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished on the Council.

Education is key to an informed and engaged community.  I’ve consistently voted for funding public schools while ensuring transparency and accountability.  This partnership between the City and schools has grown stronger and we’re working together to secure additional school funding. 

Our neighborhoods needed protection from overdevelopment, so I initiated revision of our Land Use and Circulation Elements--with environmental sustainability as its framework.  The most important aspect of LUCE is protection and conservation of residential neighborhoods. 

We all experience regional traffic congestion and I’ve been doing something about it.  As Chair of the Metro Board I led the effort to get Measure R on the ballot.  Passed by a record number of voters, it provides funds to build Expo Light Rail all the way to Santa Monica.

But there’s more to do.

I’ll use my professional experience as a preservation and growth management planner to ensure the LUCE’s implementation protects our neighborhoods.

At Metro I’ll work to keep Expo Light Rail on track and on moving the subway extension westward towards Santa Monica. 

I’ll continue to work to keep Santa Monica a city of neighborhoods, an environmentally sustainable city….a safe city.

I’ve been endorsed by Santa Monica’s Police and Firefighters, LA County Democratic Party, Santa Monica Democratic Club, LA County League of Conservation Voters.  I’m supported by Santa Monicans for Renters Rights, State Senator Fran Pavley, Assemblymember Julia Brownly, Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, and former State Senator Sheila Kuehl.

I ask for your vote so we can work together for a vibrant future.

Pam O’Connor

Terry O’Day – Incumbent, Two-Year Seat
Appointed Councilmember / Environmentalist

I moved to Santa Monica almost 15 years ago because I wanted to live in a community that puts people first. As Councilmember, that is what guides every decision I make.

My background in community service, BA in Public Policy from Stanford and MBA from the Anderson School at UCLA, help me make responsible, informed decisions and turn forward-thinking ideas into innovative policies.

As co-founder of successful environmental businesses, I know how to balance budgets and cut waste. That’s essential experience; as I am committed to protecting our police, fire protection and education partnerships.

Using my experience as Executive Director of Environment Now, an organization that fights for environmental justice, and cleaner air and water, I am helping our City raise the national standard for sustainability, human-scale neighborhoods, regional traffic solutions and green jobs.

My work with National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Low Income Housing Coalition has prepared me to tackle Santa Monica’s homeless and affordable housing problems in a compassionate, effective way.

As a parent, homeowner, and affordable housing activist, I will fight to keep Santa Monica a place where all of our children thrive.

I would be honored to have your vote for City Council. 

JERRY RUBINFour-year Seat

Jerry's campaign theme is "I Love Santa Monica"
Jerry's  campaign slogan is "Tan, Rested and Ready"
Jerry's  campaign promise is to promote community unity
and win-win solutions.

Jerry's campaign website is:
Call Jerry at:  310-399-1000
E-mail Jerry at:

TED WINTERER – Four-year Seat
My daughter Eleanor is a third-grader at SMASH and my son Steele will start kindergarten there next year, so I’m personally and acutely aware of the funding challenges faced by our school district. I’ve helped with the weekly bake sales at Eleanor’s school; every June I’m out at 7 am on a Saturday setting the annual SMASH carnival; and I’ve unloaded carloads of rummage for our yearly sale. The SMASH PTSA works hard money to provide extra staffing, resources and training, but it’s still not enough, especially in recent years.

On a citywide level, I’ve walked precincts for Measures R and A; served on the district’s parcel tax and bond committee and the Measure A campaign committee; and am on the Steering Committee of CEPS.

Our state government has, quite simply, reneged on its responsibility to adequately fund our public schools at a time when a well-educated workforce is our best hope for remaining economically competitive in the years to come. Fortunately, in Santa Monica we have the resources to provide discretionary funding to offset cuts by Sacramento. As a City Councilmember I will work to ensure continued and enhanced municipal funding for the district; advocate for a greater commitment of redevelopment dollars to the joint Samohi-Civic Center project; and seek contributions to the Education Foundation from development agreements and other projects where appropriate. I believe our city can support our local schools without sacrificing the quality of other municipal services.

I am a Planning Commissioner and former Recreation and Parks Commissioner; former president and current vice president of the Ocean Park Association; and an AYSO coach and referee. I’m deeply committed to our community and its quality of life and believe passionately in preserving and enhancing the excellence of our public schools.

I ask for your vote on November 2nd.

Jean McNeil Wyner – Four-year Seat

Years ago, I was a single Mom raising my son by myself. He had a learning disability which was an extremely stressful problem. The LA public school system provided virtually nothing for him - or me.
What a difference it would have made if he’d been educated, mentored and supported by our District’s fabulous services for the learning disabled.
I highly value education and when elected I will do everything in my power to assist the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District. I say this as a resident and as a 25+ year supporter of our District and because my experience with my son.
 However, I have a grave concern about the "non-binding" situation with regard to the 1/2 cent sales tax --- I am positively opposed to proposing a tax and then “talking around it” to sway voters. I want half of that money for the District, unconditionally.
I am also concerned that the residents of Santa Monica do not receive regular reports on how their parcel tax dollars are spent.
When elected I promise to listen to and work with you openly to solve our problems - not make new ones. I am not a career politician. I’m seeking a four year term - not a lifetime appointment. I will be your committed and supportive "eyes, ears and voice"!
As your Council member, I will halt reckless spending - we need to be a smarter City with a sensible, tight budget. We need a balance between taxation and funding our superb school District.
I do not represent any special interest groups. I have been a long time community volunteer, serving the City in many capacities. I understand what our residents want and what we need to do. I know Santa Monica and I will work for you!

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